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More than 2.000 Dutch and Belgian brands with a total of 30.000 products
Schots gerookte ZALM 44% (Atlantische ZALM 97%, zout, suiker, rook), niet gehydrogeneerde koolzaadolie, ui, water, MOSTERD (MOSTERDzaad, azijn, zout, suiker, specerijen), eierdooier, azijn, suiker, zout , citroensap, peper, kruiden, zuren: azijnzuur, melkzuur, conserveermiddel: kaliumsorbaat, stabilisatoren: guargom, xanthaangom. Gemaakt in een fabriek die ook gebruik maakt van: gluten, schaaldieren, soja, melk, selderij, sesam, lupine, weekdieren
Bevat: Mosterd, Vis, Eieren
Bevat geen: Noten, Pindanoten, Zwaveldioxide of sulfieten
Kan bevatten: Schaaldieren, Melk, Soja, Sesamzaad, Selderij, Lupine, Gluten, Weekdieren
Nutrition facts
100g, Portie (%RI)
1541kJ, 462kJ (6.51%)
373kcal, 112kcal (6.51%)
Vetten waarvan
36g, 11g (15.71%)
Verzadigde vetten
3.1g, 0.9g (4.5%)
Koolhydraten waarvan
<0.5g, <0.5g (0.23%)
<0.5g, <0.5g (0.59%)
1.2g, <0.5g
11g, 3.3g (13.75%)
2.5g, 0.76g (19%)
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We and our partners use cookies and similar technologies to collect information from your device, such as your IP address and the pages you’ve visited. We use this data to help us to better understand our audiences and to improve and personalise your experience. We and our partners also use cookies and data to manage the advertising shown on our services, including to personalise it and measure engagement. To find out more about cookies you can read our cookie policy.
The last frozen shipments of this year will be sent next Monday and Tuesday (16 and 17 December 2024).
Frozen orders placed until Sunday December 15, 2024 will be shipped this year.
In week 52 and week 1 we do not send frozen packages due to the holidays.
We hope for your understanding.
Happy holidays and thank you for your orders over the past year!
And if you want to order one more time this year, use code DECEMBER24 for 5% discount!